Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology

Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology  
Abbreviated title (ISO) 'Electronic J. Severe Storms Meteor. (EJSSM)'
Discipline Meteorology
Language English
Publication details
Publisher E-Journals of Meteorology (U.S.A)
Publication history 2006 to present
Open access Immediate
ISSN 1559-5404

The Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology is an international, electronic, open access, scientific journal. EJSSM serves the community of meteorology that is concerned with severe storms, including both convective and non-convective severe weather. EJSSM exists to improve understanding, prediction, preparedness, and mitigation of all severe local storm hazards. The peer reviewed journal serves as a bridge between meteorological research and applications to operational meteorology.



The following principles embody the philosophy of EJSSM.

EJSSM encourages open access
Accepted manuscripts are available to all with internet access immediately upon publication. The EJSSM uses the widely accepted and well known Open Journal Systems (OJS) for publishing on-line. Accepted manuscripts are subject to only minimal page charges, and lack of ability to pay does not preclude or hamper publication.
EJSSM strives to uphold high standards for published manuscripts
Submitted manuscripts are welcome from all. The review process is designed to be a constructive and prompt way to improve and approve submitted manuscripts. All manuscripts, however, must maintain the high standards of EJSSM. EJSSM is considered a formal peer-reviewed publication. EJSSM maintains the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 1559-5404.
EJSSM encourages active participation and debate of our published manuscripts
Reviewers do not maintain their anonymity. Edited versions of the reviews of the manuscript and authors’ responses to substantive comments are published along with the accepted manuscript. Readers are encouraged to post their comments on published manuscripts online.
EJSSM strives for rapid dissemination of research results and immediate feedback online
Authors, reviewers, and editors strive to make the time from initial submission of a manuscript to the final version of the article appearing online be no more than a few months.


This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. Read more at: LOCKSS

Cofounders were:

Inaugural editorial staff members were:

Initial Web Specialist and Integrated Technology Director was:

See also

External links